Post by Nicholas Olmstead on Apr 10, 2013 19:54:03 GMT -5
Hi everyone. I thought I'd give everyone a little diversion from all the accommodation talk with some other topics. For those parents with incoming JK kids, things are going to be a little up in the air for the next few weeks but I'll try to clear things up when I know more.
For those that don't know, Devonshire has a safety committee that is currently participating in a program called the School Travel Planning project (www.saferoutestoschool.ca). We've been working for the last year and a bit to make the area around the school safer for the kids on the way to school. Whether it's the new crossing guard at Bayswater and Laurel, moving the school bus loading zone, or putting speed bumps along Breezehill in front of the school (they're supposed to be coming this spring by the way), we're working on making active transportation better all around.
If you've got some ideas, or would like to participate in our project, drop me a line (nicholas.olmstead@ncf.ca) or post some ideas here and we'll see what we can do. Of course, if you've got a gripe or concern, feel free to post that too! I can't promise I'll be able to fix everything, but I can certainly try!
One of the things that has really taken off this year is a growing trend towards walking/biking school buses and this would be a great place to try and co-ordinate efforts. So, if you want to get something started and get your kids walking/biking to school in a group, post a reply here and let's see what we can get going. I know my daughter started a walking school bus last September that grew from 3 kids to about 12 so it can be done, it just takes a little effort.
Post by Nicholas Olmstead on Apr 10, 2013 20:03:30 GMT -5
Now, very quickly, the Safety Committee is in the process of putting together a map of the school surroundings that we can use to inform parents about other options for dropping kids off rather than right in front of the school. So, if you or someone you know is a graphic designer and willing to help, please let me know.
Post by Nicholas Olmstead on Jul 30, 2013 11:47:13 GMT -5
While at the 1040 Somerset meeting last night I was speaking with Geoffrey Hall who mentioned the speed bumps are going in on Breezehill next week in front of Devonshire. I'm not sure if they're going to be the small severe kind (like those found in private parking lots) or the wide slowdowns (like on Lyon or Kirkwood) but they're coming very soon.
Post by Nicholas Olmstead on Nov 4, 2013 13:13:13 GMT -5
Devonshire Safety committee has been working for two years now to increase safety for our children as they travel to and from school. This past summer saw two speed humps installed along Breezehill in front of the school, and slight alterations to the school bus loading zone. Last fall saw the installation of an adult crossing guard at Bayswater and Laurel helping kids cross this busy intersection.
With the start of a new school year it is helpful to review the parking regulations around the school. The No Stopping signs on Breezehill in front of the school, installed at the request of both the school and Safety Committee, were put in to help stop children from darting out between parked cars. If you are dropping your young one off, we would like to remind you of some other options in the area: Laurel, Breezehill between Laurel and Gladstone, and even Bayswater if you would like to walk that last little bit with your child, all have ample parking available. Please help keep our school as safe as possible for the kids and obey all posted traffic signs.
Post by Nicholas Olmstead on Nov 12, 2013 9:50:30 GMT -5
I just learned that the Ministry of Transportation is planning to restructure the Parkdale off and on ramps slightly differently than presented at last April's presentation. The new plan includes:
- dead ending Westmount and making the sidewalk longer instead of allowing traffic out onto Parkdale. This reduces the number of intersections pedestrians will have to contend with. There will also be a larger buffer between pedestrians and vehicles turning right onto Parkdale (northbound).
- the eastbound on ramp, south of the 417, will have the right turn onto the ramp adjusted to make it a tighter turning radius and shortening the distance required to cross for pedestrians.
There will also apparently be slight changes to the signals but I'm not certain what they are (the Ministry notice is not particularly clear about this part.)
This should go a long way to making this intersection safer, but it will still be challenging.